LSP can provide assistance and guidance in the development of a 360° performance evaluation for senior leadership, and when used appropriately, can provide excellent feedback to the provider regarding the individual’s performance and/or their team. Some of the assessments that can be provided include:
- Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI®) This self-assessment tool identifies an individual’s preferred approach to thinking. The HBDI ranks four thinking styles (Emotional, Analytical, Structural or Strategic) from most preferred to least preferred. This can be most useful when dealing with issues of team dynamics, diversity, and communication.
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) This leading self-assessment is designed to help people understand their natural preferences, strengths and temperaments. This tool will allow individuals to explore how they focus their attention, how they take in information, how they make decisions, and how they deal with the world in general.
- DISC Profile: The Personality System. Useful in exploring the dynamics of communication, the DISC profile is used to determine personality styles by utilizing a 24-question profile. It helps provide understanding of the differences in people, providing a personal review of each individual’s strengths and limitations and provides an action plan to improve relationships.
- Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior TM (FIRO-B®) Best with one-to-one coaching or small groups. The FIRO-B® is a self-assessment instrument that helps individuals and teams look at interpersonal needs. This short assessment tool gathers critical insights into how an individual’s needs for inclusion, control and affection can shape their interactions with others.
- Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) The HPI identifies the bright side of the personality – what we see when people are at their best. It is a self-assessment based on the Five-Factor Model and was developed specifically for the business community. The Hogan has been used successfully in predicting employee performance and helping companies reduce turnover, absenteeism, shrinkage and poor customer service.
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Used successfully in leadership development, coaching and team Assimilation, the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument is designed to help leaders understand how five different conflict-handling modes or styles affect personal and group dynamics and to learn how to select the most appropriate style for a given situation.
- CPI 260® The CPI 260 self-assessment opens a new window into people’s strengths and opportunities for development, offering a dynamic portrait of the individual as seen through the eyes of others. It is built on the outstanding 50-year history, validity and reliability of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) instrument and suited for small group training, one-on-one coaching or performance improvement initiatives.